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YEAR 6 - Haddon and Hardwick

Hi Year 6! We hope you’ve had a wonderful holiday and are ready for our final half term together! We are so proud of how hard you have worked last term. We will be continuing out work on WW2 this term which we know you will be extremely happy about!

What We're Learning This Half Term

Mathematics: Shape and Algebra

In maths, we'll be learning all about a range of new exciting concepts. We will be sharing lots of new ideas throughout the term. We think you will find these new mathematical concepts a lot of fun.


In our English lessons we will be looking at a range of different genres of writing. We will be writing a balanced argument, an online review, a biography and much more!

Science: Circulatory system

We will be changing to a biology focus next half term with a topic on the circulatory system. We will look at how our heart works, how to keep healthy and why exercise is so important. Oh, and of course we will be dissecting a pig's heart!

Curriculum Focus: history

We will be continuing our focus of WW2. We will be looking closely at the war in Germany and in Britain. How the war impacted people that lived it and discovering new stories such as Anne Frank’s life!

PE: athletics

This half-term, we will be largely based outside, focusing on Rounder's and Athletics

Year 6 Transition Activities

This half-term, Year 6 will be completing their transition activities in preparation for their move to secondary school. The students will participate in a range of visits and experiences designed to help them acclimate to their new environment. These activities are crucial in ensuring a smooth and confident transition, providing them with the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the secondary school setting, meet future teachers, and build new friendships. We are committed to supporting our Year 6 students every step of the way as they embark on this exciting new chapter.

Homework: My Maths and Spelling Shed

Each week, we will be setting homework on My Maths and Speeling shed for you to complete. There is also the opportunity to complete a creative challenge from the homework menu.

We're looking forward to a fantastic half term and we can’t wait to continue our fantastic start to Year 6.