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YEAR 5 - Cannon and Chatsworth

Welcome to Year 5!

We are really looking forward to moving into Spring term with you all. We are so proud of how hard you have worked so far this year, and we cannot wait for you to see what else we have in store for the rest of the year! We loved learning all about the Anglo-Saxons in History in Autumn, I am sure the Vikings will provide us with just as much excitement next term!

What We're Learning This Half Term

Mathematics: Multiplication, Division and Fractions

In maths, we'll be diving deep into multiplication. Get ready to spend plenty of time on TT Rockstars as this half term, we are going to nail your times tables. We know you can do it, we just need to push to make sure it sticks!

English: A Focus on Norse Tales and other Viking related writing

Our English lessons will take us on an exciting journey through time to the land of the Vikings, putting ourselves in the shoes of the Norse people.

Science: space

This term we will be looking at space and learning all about our planets. We will look at the solar system and much more.


This term we will be focusing our history lessons on the Vikings! We are so excited to learn all about the lives of these warriors and see how they are both similar and different to the Anglo-Saxons.


This term in Geography we will be learning all about North America. We will be thinking about biomes and what they are along with looking at longitude and latitude.


In Spanish we will be learning all about the date, this will include learning numbers, days of the week and months of the year. At the end of the term, we will have a go at making our very own Spanish calender.


In RE we will be learning all about Islam. We will use our knowledge from this term to help us further understand religion. We will look at the 5 pillars and what these mean to the religion and much more.


At Maltby Manor Academy, we are committed to supporting your child's learning at home. In Key Stage 2, our homework is designed to build key skills and foster a love of learning.

Here’s what to expect:

  • Times Table Rock Stars – Practice times tables daily using TT Rockstars to build multiplication skills and confidence.
  • Daily Reading – Record all reading activities in your child's planner. Regular reading at home is key to developing comprehension and fluency.
  • Weekly Spelling Sheets – Focused activities to develop accurate and confident spelling. Handed out on a Friday returned by Wednesday.
  • Curriculum Homework Menu – A choice of creative, engaging tasks linked to your child’s current topics.

Our homework programme offers a variety of opportunities to enrich your child’s learning and strengthen the home-school partnership. Thank you for your continued support in helping your child thrive!

We're looking forward to a fantastic half-term and we can’t wait to continue our amazing learning journeys in Year 5.