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YEAR 5 - Cannon and Chatsworth


Hi Year 5! I'm Miss Doyle, your class teacher for Y5. I cannot believe that we are starting our last half term together in Year 5! It was really fun to teach a geography-based topic last half term when we delved into the location of the continent North America. However, this half term we will be looking at a history focus with Mining in our own town of Maltby.

Happy new half term Year 5, from Mr Farmer, your class teacher in Cannon Class. I am over the moon at the amazing work that you have shown me over the last 5 half terms and I cannot believe this is your last half term in Year 5. As always, I look forward to making your learning fun and enjoyable as we delve into our new topic of Mining in Maltby.

What We're Learning This Half Term

Mathematics: decimals and measurement

In maths, we'll be finishing our learning of decimals and starting measurements. Each week, there will still be a TT rockstar's competition/battle so keep your eyes peeled.

English: Mining in Maltby

Our English lessons will take us on an exciting and interesting through the history of our own community and how it was affected after the pit closure. We will be looking at a few different genres including fiction and reports.

Science: forces

This half-term will be filled with scientific experiments to aid us with our understanding of the new topic ‘Forces.’

curriculum focus: History- Mining

This half term, we will be focusing on history. We will be learning about the community that we live in, Maltby, and how the closure of the pit affected the way that we live. We will be celebrating with a Mining Day where we will be carrying out a Mining walk around Maltby.

PE: rounders/athletics

This half-term, we will be participating in our summer sports to finish off the year. We will also be having a parent vs children rounders competition.

Creative Arts: dt

We will be creating a pulley toy with a focus around mining.

Homework: MyMaths

Each week, we will be setting homework on MyMaths for you to complete. We will send home your logins on your first day back after half term. There is also the opportunity to complete a creative challenge from the homework menu.

Spelling Shed – We will be continuing with our spelling shed homework. Remember to log on each week and complete the game and spelling activities.

We're looking forward to a fantastic half-term and we can’t wait to continue our amazing learning journeys in Year 5.