Reception - Fountains & Fitzwilliam
Hello, Reception!
After a very successful first term where children are settled and happy in their learning, we are excited to tell you about our next steps in learning!
Mrs Williams, Mrs Carr-Colliver and Mrs Hall.
Our learning this half-term will centre around this Topic and question:
Animals and their Habitats. Who lives where?
Communication and Language Development
Through our new topic, children will retell familiar stories and engage in non-fiction books. They will listen to and talk about non-fiction books to develop a deep familiarity with new knowledge and vocabulary.
Linked to life in the woods, we will read and retell many stories including The Gruffalo and Percy the Park Keeper. In our Woodlands role play area, children will engage in imaginary conversations with others.
physical development
In PE the children will continue to build on what they have learnt and combine different movements with ease and fluency.
They will develop their small motor skills so that they can use a range of tools competently, safely and confidently. There will be a particular focus on handwriting where children will practise forming letters accurately each day.
Outdoors, children will continue to explore the space and range of physical activities from climbing on the trim trails to using sports equipment such as skipping ropes and footballs.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Children will continue to manage their own needs and identify and moderate their own feelings socially and emotionally.
As friendships grow and children become more resilient, they will share more and more ideas, accept the differing opinions of others and continue to develop personally, socially and emotionally.
Through self-initiation, children will choose their own learning areas during free choice provision time, developing their independence, ideas and relationships with others.
Literacy (Reading and Writing)
Children will continue to learn how to read and write letters/words/sentences through daily RWI and literacy lessons.
We will be reading and writing about many stories linked to our new topic where children will apply what they know and develop their own independent writing skills.
Provision wise, children will initiate their own reading and writing through daily opportunities, areas and activities.
Children will explore the composition of numbers to 10 and automatically recall number bonds for numbers 0–10. Daily maths lessons are fun, practical and incorporate a range of concrete mathematical and real-life resources.
Children can access the maths area of provision throughout the day, where they can play games and use the resources that we use in lessons.
In other aspects of maths, children will learn how to continue, copy and create repeating patterns, and select, rotate and manipulate shapes in order to develop spatial reasoning skills.
Understanding the world
Children will learn about life in a woodland, including animals and their habitats. Through a range of books, videos and visits to our school forest, children will experience what life is like in the woods.
Through our role play and small world areas, children can create their own woodlands, pretend to be other people/animals and develop a range of ideas and vocabulary.
We will continue to learn about seasonal changes, looking out for signs of spring as we come towards the end of winter.
Expressive Arts and Design
Children will explore and engage in music making and dance, performing solo or in groups, all linked to our new topic.
In provision areas, children can dress up as animals and other people such as Percy the Park Keeper.