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YEAR 3 - Roche and Rufford

Hello, Year 3! We are Miss Davies and Miss Wood, your class teachers. We are passionate about creating an exciting education to ensure you have a love for learning. Miss Wood’s favourite subject is DT, she cannot wait to see wen your robots come to life! Miss Davies’s favourite subject is Science, and she cannot wait to see you become experts in diets and how the human body works.

What We're Learning This Half Term

Mathematics: Exploring Multiplication and Division

In maths, we'll be diving deep into multiplication and division. Get ready to master your times tables, solve challenging problems, and become multiplication and division experts. Your use of times table rockstars will help you become an expert before we start our new term.

English: Poems, Formal letters and Narratives with dialogue.  

Our English lesson will take us on an exciting journey as we begin to look a performance poetry be prepared to meet the Hippocrump. We will also look at beginning to add dialogue into a narrative. Finally, we will begin to look at formal tone as we write a letter to complain.

Science: Animals Including Humans

Science is all about nutrition, skeletons and muscles this term. We'll become scientists, as we investigate human and animal diets including what need for a healthy diet and what each food groups provides our body. Furthermore, we will understand skeletons with and without a spine and the different bones in a skeleton. Finally, we will look at joints and muscles and understand how our body parts are able to move, to do this we will create two experiments to explore this.

Curriculum Focus: History:  Stone Age and Bronze Age

In our curriculum sessions, we'll be discovering The Stone Age. During this topic we will look at the three different eras of the Stone Age and how over time tools and the way they lived developed.  We will also look at what the Bronze Age was like and how this was different from the Stone Age.

Geography: United Kingdom

In our curriculum sessions, we’ll be discovering the United Kingdom. During this topic we will be discovering the four regions of the UK alongside looking at the human and physical landmarks of these regions. Within this topic we will discover the cities and counties that are within the United Kingdom.

PE: Hockey and Dance

PE will have two focus’, the children will focus on Hockey and Dance. In hockey the children will learn passing, dribbling and tackling techniques to be able to play small games. In dance the children will be able to create and perform a small dance routine.

RE/PSHE: Christian Worship: How and why do some people find peace and strength by belonging to a church? 

During their RE lessons, they will be learning about what makes a place special? Why do some churches have stained glass windows and why does bread and wine represent in a church?

Choices, Emotions and Differences

During PSHE they will learn how to understand feelings and emotions, know about the different types of bullying. They will also learn to understand the consequences of racism, teasing, bullying and discrimination and to know about some of the United Nations conventions for rights of the child.

Creative Art: Linkages and Levers

In our DT lessons we will be learning what a linkage and lever is through designing and making a robot, linking to our class novel of The Iron Man.  They will be able to join parts of their robot together using linkages and levers.  The final piece will be created as part as our Stay and junk session.

Homework: Geography

Our homework this half term will be based on our Geography Topic of the United Kingdom. There is a range of homework set for them on their homework menu. The children can choose from creating a landmark of the UK or they could create their own animal or flower to represent them. The children also have weekly maths and spelling homework.

We are really looking forward to a fantastic half-term filled with learning, laughter, and unforgettable moments. Let's make it a term to remember!