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Our Academy policies cover every aspect of school life. Please see below all of our Academy policies and statutory documents.

The following information can be found on the Maltby Learning Trust website, Maltby Learning Trust - Policies & Statutory Documents :                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Finance and Funding Agreements                                                                         

Trade Union Facilities Time 

Records Management Policy

Surveillance and CCTV Policy

Gender Pay Gap -  Maltby Learning Trust - Gender Pay Gap Report       

Paper copies of our policies are available upon request at the school office.

  1. Accessibility Plan 2023-2026
    PDF File
  2. Anti Bullying Policy - MLT - May 24
    PDF File
  3. Attendance MLT - MMA 2023
    PDF File
  4. Behaviour Policy - MMA - MLT - V2
    PDF File
  5. Calculation Policy
    PDF File
  6. Cash Handling Policy
    PDF File
  7. CCTV Policy
    PDF File
  8. Charging and Remissions Policy - MLT
    PDF File
  9. Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy - MLT - MMA
    PDF File
  10. Children with health needs who cannot attend school Policy
    PDF File
  11. Complaints Policy - MLT - V4
    PDF File
  12. Data Protection Policy - MLT - V2
    PDF File
  13. Disaster Recovery Plan
    PDF File
  14. E-Safety Policy - MLT
    PDF File
  15. Equality Information - November 2023
    PDF File
  16. Equality Objectives MMA - Staff - 2022-23
    PDF File
  17. Equality Objectives MMA -Students - 2022-23
    PDF File
  18. Expenses Policy
    PDF File
  19. EYFS Policy 2023-2024
    PDF File
  20. First Aid - MMA
    PDF File
  21. Fire Policy - MLT - V2
    PDF File
  22. Freedom of Information Policy - MLT
    PDF File
  23. Health and Safety Policy - MLT
    PDF File
  24. Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023
    PDF File
  25. Learning Outside the Classroom and Educational Visits Policy - MLT - V2
    PDF File
  26. Lettings Policy - MLT - V1.1
    PDF File
  27. Looked After Children Policy
    PDF File
  28. MMA Sports Premium 2022-2023 (1)
    PDF File
  29. Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement - MLT
    PDF File
  30. Positive Handling Policy - MLT
    PDF File
  31. Privacy Notice for Parents and Carers
    PDF File
  32. Protection of Biometrics Information Policy - MLT
    PDF File
  33. Pupil Premium Statement 2023-2024
    PDF File
  34. Records Management Policy
    PDF File
  35. Relationships and Sexual Health Education (RSHE) Policy - MMA
    PDF File
  36. Safe Use of ICT Policy - MLT
    PDF File
  37. SEND Information Report 2023-2024 (1)
    PDF File
  38. SEND Policy - MLT
    PDF File
  39. Scheme of Delegation
    PDF File
  40. Staff Code of Conduct - MLT
    PDF File
  41. Supporting Students with Medical Conditions - MLT
    PDF File
  42. Suspension and Permanent Exclusion Policy - MLT - V4
    PDF File
  43. Trade Union facilities time - 21-22.
    PDF File
  44. Toileting and Intimate Care Policy - MLT
    PDF File
  45. Uniform Policy MLT - V2
    PDF File
  46. Visitors to Academies Guidance May 2022
    PDF File
  47. Whistleblowing Policy - MLT - V3
    PDF File
  48. Working together to safeguard children 2023 - Statutory Guidance
    PDF File