YEAR 1 - Kelham & Kensington
Hello, Year 1!
We are so excited to welcome you back into our classrooms in the new year, it will be fun and filled with fantastic learning.
Miss Cruickshanks and Mrs Lilley
What We're Learning This Half-Term
Mathematics: Place value & Addition and Subtraction
In maths, we'll be exploring place value to 50. We will be using concrete materials to help us sort, represent, order and compare numbers. In addition, we will be learning how to add and subtract by counting on or back and learning our number bonds to 20.
English: Writing sentences
Within our English lessons, we will be continuing to write sentences accurately by ensuring the correct grammar is included. We are focussing on letter formation using the Read Write inc handwriting rhymes and where they sit on the handwriting lines. In grammar, we will be teaching basic punctuation and applying this independently in our writing. In Read Write inc, daily speed sound lessons we will be consolidating set 2 and look at set 3 sounds.
Science: Plants and animals
This half term the children will complete their learning on plants and the natural environment then begin to learn all about animals and their habitats. We will be finding out about carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. We can’t wait!
Curriculum Focus:
History - Significant People
In History, we are going to be learning all about the significant people Mary Anning and David Attenborough. We will learn all about how they grew up, what made them so significant and how they changed History for the better. How exciting!
Geography - The United Kingdom
In Geography, we are going to using our prior learning of our local area to learn all about the United Kingdom. We will learn all about the four countries that make up the UK and look at their capitals and what makes each place special.
PE: Gymnastics and Matbal
This half term, PE will have two focuses. The children will focus on Gymnastics and Matball. In Gymnastics the children will look at different floor movements and apparatus. Whereas in Matball, the children will look at the basic rules of the game and how to score and defend during a match.
RE/PSHE: Healthy Lifestyles / Belonging linking to Judaism
In RE the children will be using their prior learning of Christianity to compare to Judaism. We will be learning about what Jewish people celebrate and how they celebrate.
Creative Arts: Vincent Van Gogh
In Art we will be taking inspiration from the great Vincent Van Gogh. We are going to be learning all about Vincent as an artist before creating our own sculpture of a sunflower using the medium clay. We can't wait to see how they turn out.
At Maltby Manor Academy, we are committed to supporting your child's learning at home. In Key Stage 1, our homework is designed to develop essential skills and nurture a love of learning.
Here’s what to expect:
- Daily Reading – Please read with your child every day and record this in their planner. Regular reading at home helps build fluency, comprehension, and a love of books.
- RWI Sounds– Your child will receive spelling activities based on the Read Write Inc. program to develop confident and accurate spelling.
- Curriculum Homework Menu – A variety of creative and engaging tasks linked to your child’s current topics, giving them the chance to explore and learn in different ways.
Our Key Stage 1 homework program is designed to provide a balance of structured practice and enjoyable activities, enriching your child’s learning journey while strengthening the home-school partnership.
Thank you for your continued support in helping your child succeed!