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YEAR 2 - Ashford & Aston

Hello Year 2 and welcome back after the Christmas holidays, we hope that you had a lovely time at home with your families and we are looking forward to hearing about what you all got up to. 

Here’s what we are going to be learning in the Spring term…

Mrs Talbot, Mrs Rose and Mrs Maddison

What We're Learning This Half Term

Mathematics: money, multiplication and division

When we first arrive back after the break, we will be starting our maths journey by looking at money – different coins and notes that are used and how we can use our previous addition and subtraction learning to work out the cost of something or the change we may receive. Moving on, we will starting to look at multiplication and division linking to the 2, 5 and 10 times tables.

English: stories from other cultures.

In our English lessons this half term, for the first couple of weeks we will be starting to look at stories from other cultures linking to our new geography lessons where will be finding out about Nairobi – the capital city of Kenya. Once we have written some of our own stories, we will look to write some formal invitations to invite our grown-ups into school to see our African drumming experience.

Science: Everyday materials

We will be learning about the different types of materials that can be grouped based on their uses and their different properties. We will be thinking about how we can use various materials for a range of purposes and how we can recycle or reuse items to help save on waste and pollution in the environment.

Curriculum Focus: history and geography                                                                                                             

In our wider curriculum lessons, we are going to be continuing to alternate between history and geography,

History – Mining and the Local Area
In history we will be finding out about mining and how this has helped to shape the local community in and around Maltby and why this is still important today.

Geography - Kenya
In geography we will still be finding out about Kenya and its capital city, Nairobi. We will find out about some of the human and physical features that are found there before making comparisons with our own capital city, London.

PE: gymnastics and tag rugby

This half term, PE will have two focus’, the children will focus on Gymnastics and Tag Rugby. In Gymnastics the children will look at different floor movements and apparatus. Whereas in Tag Rugby the children will look at the basic rules of the game, looking at some fundamentals including the way to throw and pass a rugby ball as well as how to score and defend during a match. 

RE/PSHE: Religious Stories

As we approach the Easter holiday, we will be looking at the Easter story and why this is important to Christian people. We will be considering key events and features at this time of year and how we can use some of the morals from the religious stories in our own lives.


At Maltby Manor Academy, we are committed to supporting your child's learning at home. In Key Stage 1, our homework is designed to develop essential skills and nurture a love of learning.

Here’s what to expect:

  • Daily Reading – Please read with your child every day and record this in their planner. Regular reading at home helps build fluency, comprehension, and a love of books.
  • RWI Sounds– Your child will receive spelling activities based on the Read Write Inc. program to develop confident and accurate spelling.
  • Weekly Spelling Sheets – Focused activities to develop accurate and confident spelling. Handed out on a Friday returned by Wednesday.
  • Curriculum Homework Menu – A variety of creative and engaging tasks linked to your child’s current topics, giving them the chance to explore and learn in different ways.

Our Key Stage 1 homework program is designed to provide a balance of structured practice and enjoyable activities, enriching your child’s learning journey while strengthening the home-school partnership.

Thank you for your continued support in helping your child succeed!