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YEAR 5 - Cannon and Chatsworth

Hello Year 5 and welcome back after the summer😊

We are really looking forward to our Year 5 journey together. We have lots of exciting topics in store for this year and some amazing experiences lined up. We are looking forward to helping you grow and learn as you continue your journey through Maltby Manor.

Mr Hodgetts and Miss Johnson

What We're Learning This Half Term

Mathematics: Exploring place value

This term we will be exploring place value looking at even bigger numbers than last year! This term we will be looking at numbers up to 10,000. This will allow you to become more confident at adding and subtracting as we move throughout the year.

English: Third person Narrative

This half-term we are going to be writing a third-person narrative explaining all about life as a young Anglo-Saxon warrior. We will be building on the features we looked at in Year 4 and working on making them even better.

Science: States of Matter

This term in Science we are going to be looking at states of matter. We will be building on our prior knowledge of solids, liquids and gasses and looking at how different materials behave. We have lots of exciting experiments planned to help us understand this interesting and complex area of Chemistry.

curriculum focus: Anglo-Saxons and Map Work 

Building up to our exciting week away in Bamburgh we will be looking at the Anglo-Saxons (who invaded England after the Romans had left). We will be looking at their ways of life, the kingdoms and religions that they established and some of the infamous warriors.

PE: Basketball and Sports Hall Athletics

This half-term we will be continuing with the activities we have already been working on in Spring 1. We will be working on throwing and catching skills in basketball and various activities in our Sports Hall Athletic sessions, too.

Creative Arts: Peter Thorpe

In art we are going to be looking at the brilliant Peter Thorpe who uses pastels to create bright and vibrant pictures of space, space craft and the different planets in our solar system. We will be looking a4t the different skills he uses and eventually creating our own piece in the style of Peter Thorpe.

RE/PSHE: Religious Texts And Friendships

In RE we are learning about the different religious texts from around the world and why they are meaningful to the people that follow those religions and learning how the people of faith use them to help them throughout their life.

In PSHE we are looking at friendships and what a healthy and unhealthy friendship looks like. Building on this we will be looking at what makes a good friend.

Homework: MyMaths

Each week, we will be setting homework on MyMaths for you to complete. We will send home your logins on your first day back after half term. There is also the opportunity to complete a creative challenge from the homework menu.

Spelling Shed – We will be continuing with our spelling shed homework. Remember to log on each week and complete the game and spelling activities.

We're looking forward to a fantastic half-term and we can’t wait to continue our amazing learning journeys in Year 5.