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YEAR 1 - Kelham & Kensington

Hello Year 1 and welcome to our year group! We have so many exciting opportunities for you and will be making the most of our year together. We hope that you will enjoy our topics and we hope that you can share any of your amazing home-learning projects with us, too.

Miss Petch and Miss Cruickshanks

What We're Learning This Half-Term

Mathematics: Shape and numbers within 100

In maths, the children will look at 2d and 3d shapes and describe their properties. The children will also build on their place value knowledge by identifying and representing numbers using objects and pictorial representations including the number line, and use the language of: equal to, more than, less than (fewer), most, least.

English: Writing sentences and Phonics Screening Check

Within our English lessons, we will be reading story books and poetry about London and how the Great Fire started in 1666. We will be continuing to write sentences accurately using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.

There is a huge focus on letter formation using the Read Write inc handwriting rhymes and how they sit on the handwriting lines. In grammar, we will be consolidating basic punctuation and applying this independently in our writing. In Read Write inc, daily speed sound lessons continue looking at set 3 sounds and reading accurately with increasing speed.

Science: Animals and humans

This half term, within science, we will be learning about animals and humans. The children will consolidate their learning about animals including humans and begin to analyse data about different animal groups.

Curriculum Focus: History- Great Fire of London

This half-term, we will explore the significant event that occurred in 1666- The Great Fire of London. The children will research the events that unfolded and re-inact events from 1666 through role-play and imaginative activities.

PE: tennis

In PE in year 1, the children will be learning how to use a tennis racket safely and understand the basic rules of tennis. The children will look at how to serve using a tennis ball.

PE days will continue to be on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please ensure children have appropriate PE kits and footwear. Also, please ensure that all children’s earrings are removed.


In PSHE we will be learning about how to keep ourselves safe in the local environment and online. In RE, the children will be reading stories about Moses.

Creative Arts: dt

Linking to our History learning about The Great Fire of London. The children will prepare and make pottage, an old English style stew. The children will peel, prepare and cook the dish and then taste what they have made.


Homework- There is a selection of project ideas available for this half term on the homework menu and our newsletter for Summer 1 including make your own Great Fire of London house or building, create your own fire engine, or design and create a famous London building or monument. Weekly My maths is still being set for every child alongside an eBook on oxford owl. The logins for these can be found in your child’s planner.

Your child will continue to receive weekly MyMaths homework every Friday along with eBooks on Oxford Owl. Their password and username can be found in the back of their planner.