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YEAR 1 - Kelham & Kensington

Hello and welcome to Year 1😊

We are so excited to welcome you into our classrooms for a year filled with fun and fantastic learning.

Miss Cruickshanks and Mrs Lilley

What We're Learning This Half-Term

Mathematics: Place value & Addition and Subtraction

In maths, we'll be exploring place value. We will be using concrete materials to help us sort, represent, order and compare numbers.

English: Writing sentences

Within our English lessons, we will be learning to write sentences accurately by ensuring the correct grammar is included. We are focussing on letter formation using the Read Write inc handwriting rhymes and where they sit on the handwriting lines. In grammar, we will be teaching basic punctuation and applying this independently in our writing. In Read Write inc, daily speed sound lessons we will be consolidating set 2 and look at set 3 sounds.  

Science: Seasonal changes and daily weather

This half term the children will learn all about the four seasons and observe the changes over the months of the year. This will include lots of field work out in the school grounds. We will be investigating why day turns into night. We are super excited to investigate with you.

Curriculum Focus:

History- Changes within living memory

In History we are going to be learning all about changes within our living memory linking to our community. The children will learn the meaning and understanding of the past and present whilst comparing and discussing the differences in our community and shops.


In Geography, we are going to be leaning all about our local area. We will be using different maps to observe and locate human and physical features around us. We even get to go on an exciting day trip around our school and surrounding areas.

PE: Basketball and Football

This half term we will be learning all about basketball and football within our PE sessions. We will be working on throwing and catching skills in Basketball and dribbling and passing techniques in football.

RE/PSHE: Healthy Lifestyles / Belonging linking to Christianity

In RE we will be thinking about how we are unique and understanding how to respect differences of others. This will then link to Christianity and how Christians believe and respect God.

Creative Arts: Beatrix Potter

In art, we are going to be learning about Beatrix Potter who was a British artist who took a lot of her inspiration from trips with her family seeing the natural world. These trips inspired her to create sketches of animals and woodland objects like mushrooms and grass. The children will be building knowledge of Beatrix to use line, shape and pattern to create an illustration inspired by her work. We can wait to see how they turn out.


There is a selection of project ideas available for this half term on the homework menu and our newsletter for Autumn 1.