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YEAR 6 - Haddon and Hardwick

Hello Year 6, welcome back after the Summer 😊

We cannot wait to get started this year and create plenty of new exceptional experiences and memories for you to cherish. We are looking forward to watching how you grow and develop throughout the year as we begin working towards your final journey at Manor.

Mr Farmer and Mrs Hughes

What We're Learning This Half Term

Mathematics: Place Value, Addition & Subtraction

In maths, we'll be exploring the place value of numbers and how they compare to others, understanding and identifying the differences between numbers up to 10,000,000. Also, we will then move onto addition and subtraction, where we will be looking at the addition and subtraction of integers.

English: Narrative and Non-Chronological Report

In English we are going to be looking at a few different genres over the course of the 8 weeks. We will begin by looking at a narrative, that is centred around a short video clip named Francis. Through watching this, the children will build a bank of ideas to work towards creating a third person narrative that builds suspense. After that, we will move on to link our writing to our learning based on Ancient Maya. We will be writing non-chronological texts and information-based texts linking to this topic.

Science: Light

Year 6 are going to be looking at the different elements of how light works and how it interacts with our universe. We will move on to look at how light can change depending on how it is altered and how this affects the way we see it. 

Curriculum Focus: History – Ancient Maya

We will be learning about key events that happened during the Ancient Mayan timeline and how they impacted the world. We will be looking at what life was like in Ancient Maya, how they lived and where they resided in the world.

PE: Basketball and Football

This half term we will be participating in basketball and football sessions that will look to build on prior learning and challenge children to further their knowledge around both sports.

RE/PSHE: Real Love Rocks

Year 6 will be following a programme called ‘Real Love Rocks’ this half term.  It is a programme developed by Barnardo’s to raise awareness of grooming, child sexual exploitation and online safety. It focuses on the importance of feeling free, happy and safe in future relationships. 


There is a selection of project ideas available for this half term on the homework menu and our newsletter for Autumn 1.

We're looking forward to a fantastic half term and we can’t wait to continue our fantastic start to Year 6.