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YEAR 4 - Blenheim and Buckingham

Welcome to summer term! We are excited to welcome to Mrs. Hughes to our Year 4 Term. Mrs Hughes and Mr Hodgetts are looking forward to embarking on their learning journey Extreme Earth.

What We're Learning This Half-Term

Mathematics: statistics and shape

In maths we will be doing a project based on statistics – creating our own bar charts with the information we have gathered. When looking at shape, we will be identifying the properties of shape and recognising both 2d and 3d shapes.

reading - the firework maker's daughter

In reading we will be reading ‘The Firework Maker’s Daughter’ and following the journey of Lila through the dense forest, along the roaring river and up the volcano on her quest to become a proper firework maker.

Science: animals and their habitats

We will be learning all about animals around the world and their habitats. We will be categorising animals and classify them into groups and understanding the habitats in which they live and why. Not only that, but we will be focusing on how the changing planet is influencing certain endangered animals and what we can do to help.

Curriculum Focus: geography - extreme earth

We will be learning all about how and why we have extreme events like earthquakes, tornados and tsunamis. We will be hosting a stay and erupt session where we will be creating our own volcanoes and causing them to erupt.

PE: athletics and rounders

This half term we will be looking at the rules and skills used to play rounders. With Mrs. White, we will be doing athletics and developing our strength, stamina and skills in this area which will help towards our sports day.

Creative Arts:  Sculptures

In art this half term, we will be looking at the artist Ruth Asawa. We will start by making some observations of her work, comparing and finding similarities between her work and other known work, creating a mood board and then finally creating a sculptural bowl using wire taking influence from Ruth Asawa.

Homework: mtc

My Maths and Spelling Shed will be set each week and be due a week from the day that they are set.

We're looking forward to a fantastic half-term filled with learning, laughter, and unforgettable moments. Let's make it a year to remember!