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YEAR 3 - Roche and Rufford

Hello, Year 3! We are Miss Davies and Miss Frier, your class teachers. We are passionate about creating an exciting education to ensure you have a love for learning. Miss Frier’s favourite subject is History, she cannot wait to see you all dressed up on Egypt day.  Miss Davies’s favourite subject is DT, and she can’t wait to see Year 3 design and create their own Egyptian collar ready to show off during our fashion show.

What We're Learning This Half Term

Mathematics: Shape and statistics

In maths, we'll be diving into our new topics of shape and statistics. We will be looking at being able to identify the features of a variety of shapes as well as begin to understand angles. Get ready to master statistics as we begin to interpret data as well as collect data nd create graphs. You will become an expert as you begin to build on prior knowledge.

English: Newspaper Reports, Film Reviews and Letters.

Our English lesson will take us on an exciting journey as we begin to create a newspaper report on the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb. We will then follow this writing with a film review of the prince of Egypt and genre of a writing that will challenge our Year 3’s. Finally we will go back to the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb as the children write a letter from the perspective of Howard Carter.

Science: Animals Including Humans

Science is all about nutrition, skeletons and muscles this term. We'll become scientists, as we investigate human and animal diets including what need for a healthy diet and what each food groups provides our body. Furthermore, we will understand skeletons with and without a spine and the different bones in a skeleton. Finally, we will look at joints and muscles and understand how our body parts are able to move, to do this we will create two experiments to explore this.

Curriculum Focus: History Ancient Egypt

In our curriculum sessions, we'll be discovering the historical and famous Pharoah Tutankhamun. The children will become Egyptologist as we discover how he was discovered and why he is so famous. The children will look at the archaeologist who discovered him alongside his impact upon Ancient Egypt.

PE: basketball and teamwork

PE will have two focus’,  the children will focus on tennis with our Maltby Academy Pe department, where they will learn the rules of tennis as well as how to serve and pass. In addition to this, the children will participate in cricket, where they learn how to bat and field

RE/PSHE: How and why people find strength by going to church/My healthy body and healthy lifestyle

During their RE lessons, they will be learning about the last super and begin to understand why people go to church and what they do at a church. During PSHE they will learn what food is healthy and what is exercise and why do we need this.

Design and technology:

In design and technology the children will be exploring textiles as they design and create and Egyptian collar. The children will look at the designs and patterns of an Egyptian collar before they design their own thinking about shapes and colours. The children will learn a range of sewing techniques to be able to create their own Egyptian collar to wear on our Egypt day and to show in our very own fashion show.  

Homework: Science

Our homework this half term will be based on our topic science topic of animals including humans. There is a range of homework set for them on their homework menu. The children can choose from designing an Eatwell plate to show how much nutrition a human needs, cooking a healthy meal, can they cook a healthy meal and take pictures or make and label a skeleton this may be done using pasta or sticks. The children also have weekly maths and spelling homework.

We're looking forward to a fantastic half term filled with learning, laughter, and unforgettable moments. Let's make it a term to remember!

We are really looking forward to a fantastic half term filled with learning, laughter, and unforgettable moments. Let's make it a term to remember!