Staff Page
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senior leadership team
Mrs H Howis
Phase Leader/Teacher
Mrs E Ryde
Mrs K Atkin
Mrs G Williams
Assistant Principal
Mrs L Hughes
Phase Leader/Teacher
Mrs R Carr-Colliver
EYFS Teacher
Mrs A Radford
Reception Teacher
Mrs J Benton
Year 2 Teacher
Mrs V Rose
Year 2 Teacher
Mrs K Maddison
Year 2 Teacher
Miss E Davies
Year 3 Teacher
Mrs H Howis
Year 3 Teacher
Mrs C Wilby
Year 5 Teacher
Mr J Farmer
Year 5 Teacher
Mrs K Moody
Year 6 Teacher
Miss E Doyle
Year 6 Teacher
Mrs A Talbot
Teacher (Maternity Leave)
hlta team
Mrs N Hollinger
Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Mrs S Jones
Miss V Bell
teaching assistants
Mrs C Eaton
Nursery Teaching Assistant
Mrs M Robinson
Nursery Teaching Assistant
Mrs B Bates
Reception Teaching Assistant
Miss P Hulley
Reception Teaching Assistant
Mrs W O'Connor
Reception Teaching Assistant
Mrs S Johnson
Year 1 Teaching Assistant
Miss A Osborne
Year 2 Teaching Assistant
Miss B Oscroft
Apprentice Teaching Assistant
Miss J Ackroyd
Year 2 Teaching Assistant
Mrs D Jones
Year 2 Teaching Assistant
Miss L Cassin
Year 3 Teaching Assistant
local governance
Karen Maddison
Staff Governor (Teacher)
Mrs Maddison has worked for the Trust for the past 10 years, first at Redwood as a Newly Qualified Teacher and then at Maltby Manor. She lives in the area and has two children, both of whom attended Trust schools and are now studying at college and university. Prior to a change in career, Mrs Maddison worked in the finance sector in debt recovery and has a range of skills that she can bring to her role as a teacher governor. She is passionate about ensuring all children receive the best possible education and have the opportunities to lead successful and fulfilling lives. In her current role, Mrs Maddison is an ECT mentor for new teachers starting out in their careers and believes teacher develop is essential to ensure all children have access to quality first teaching.
Nicola Hollinger
Staff Governor (Associate Professional))
Mrs Hollinger has worked for Maltby Manor Academy since 2007. Mrs Hollinger has two daughters who both attended Trust schools and are now working within education. During her time working for Maltby Learning Trust, Mrs Hollinger has worked over both primary and secondary schools as a Safeguarding Lead where she has gained valuable links with colleagues and parents. Mrs Hollinger is passionate about making a difference in supporting families within the community.
Robert Wordsworth
Additional Governor
Entering his eighth year working within Maltby Learning Trust, Mr Wordswrth has worked as a Cover Supervisor, Teacher of Student Achievement Leader and is now a Subject Leader of Computing and Business. During his time within the Trust, Mr Wordsworth has worked across two secondary schools. Mr Wordsworth qualified with a degree in Business Studies from the University of Lincoln and has subsequently gone on to teach IT, Computer Science, Business and Finance. Mr Wordsworth is looking forward to being involved with the Governance Committee and ensuring the best for all students within the Trust. In his spare time, Mr Wordsworth enjoys travelling, learning new things (currently Italian and the trumpet) and spending time with his family.
Sam Boon
Additional Governor
Mr Boon is an Assistant Principal at Maltby Academy having joined as a temporary teacher of ICT and Business in 2010. Mr Boon fulfilled several roles during this time including Director of Post 16, lead for careers, lead for high ability students, educational visits coordinator and line managing a range of curriculum areas.
Mr Boon is currently responsible for developing Curriculum Intent across Maltby Academy and links this with Trust primary school with a view to ensure the knowledge and systems designed allow students to thrive is of the highest quality. As part of this process, Mr Boon is striving to create links and clear understanding across all stakeholders about each curriculum phase from EYFS through to KS5.
Mr Boon is an experienced Governor, serving as staff representative for four years at Maltby Academy and as a primary Governor following this at both Maltby Manor Academy and Maltby Lilly Hall Academy. Mr Boon achieved a Masters in Teaching and Learning while working at Maltby Academy and is aspiring to be a Headteacher.