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Latest News

Please see below for Maltby Manor's latest news.

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  • Darcie

    Published 26/08/20

    Please see below a letter re Darcie

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  • September arrangements

    Published 21/08/20

    Please see below a letter re the arrangements for September. 

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  • Year 6 leavers video

    Published 17/07/20

    Goodbye to all our Year 6 children who have officially left us today.  It has been a very different end of year for you all and I know that you have missed out on many of the traditional events that we have at Maltby Manor like Peat Rigg, Summer Fayre and the Leavers' BBQ.  We wish you all the best at your new secondary schools.  Show them how amazing you are and make us proud every day.  Hopefully we will see you again in the Autumn term when we can get together and say a proper goodbye. From all the staff at Maltby Manor x

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  • July Newsletter

    Published 17/07/20

    Please see the July Newsletter

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  • New Sensory Garden

    Published 17/07/20

    Throughout Lockdown, Mrs Wilby, Mr Dean and the children have been busy developing one of the quads into an exciting new sensory garden. This newly revamped space has been created out of upcycled materials, donations and old furniture. The area is split into different sections which focus on each of the five senses. The sensory garden is a lovely calm space where lots of exciting outdoor learning can take place for all children. We can’t wait for the children to enjoy the multisensory experience when they return in September. 

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  • June 2020 Newsletter

    Published 26/06/20

    Please see below June's newletter.

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  • Year 6 Wider Opening

    Published 17/06/20

    Please see below a letter regarding Year 6 returning to school.

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  • Wider Opening presentation

    Published 12/06/20

    Mrs Cliff has created a booklet for you to share with your child to prepare them for coming into school over the next few weeks.  Included in the booklet are photographs of the classrooms, dining spaces and what they need to do when they arrive on site. 

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  • Letter re wider opening of school

    Published 08/06/20

    Please see below a letter regarding the wider opening of school. To download the document please click below.

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  • Latest letter from Executive Principal

    Published 01/06/20

    Here is the latest letter regarding school opening information

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  • Letter from Executive Principal - 22.05.2020

    Published 22/05/20

    Please see the letter below from Mr Horrigan about the re-opening of schools. Click below to download the letter

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