MP Visit - Alexander Stafford
Year 5 impressed our local MP with their enthusiasm and curiosity.
Please see below for Maltby Manor's latest news.
Year 5 impressed our local MP with their enthusiasm and curiosity.
Please see below the advert for our Teaching Assistant Vacancy.
For more information please click here
Please see below our new dinner menu from 09.11.2020
Please see below the November 2020 Newsletter
The children had lots of fun yesterday for our spooky day, they listened to spooky stories and had hot chocolate and treats.
Thank you to all the parents for their £2 contributions, can we please request that any outstanding monies be paid ASAP via ParentPay as all children participated in the day.
Please find below our October Newsletter
Here is our new menu starting from 05.10.2020
This document shows how we will respond to a suspected or confirmed case of Covid-19.
On Thursday 1st October we will be holding a Teddy Bears' Picnic in EYFS and KS1.
The booking form has been sent via MyEd if you require this to be sent again please contact school.
This year our annual book fair will be held in your child's year group bubble, If your child would like to purchase a book please write the name and author on the wishlist and bring the cash into school
Please see below our latest school newsletter for September.
Below is the current menu running until 03.10.2020