World Book Day 03.03.2022
Here is what we are up to on World Book Day
Please see below for Maltby Manor's latest news.
Here is what we are up to on World Book Day
We would like to welcome you into school for a coffee and a chat. Wednesday 9 March 2022 9.00am in The Hub
Please find attached a poster for the February Half term event at Cherry Tree Park.
Please see below our February newsletter
Yesterday our Year 6 student leaders visited the 'New2You' charity shop.
Weekly Attendance for w/e 04.02.2022
As part of ongoing support for children's education about money, we have been approached by Loughborough University to take part in their research. The research aims to capture information about young children's experiences with money and parental attitudes around children's learning about money and finances. If you would like more information and take part in the research, please see the attached information.
I would like to take this opportunity to inform you that Maltby Learning Trust has a vacancy for a Parent Governor at Maltby Manor Academy, to serve for a period of up to 4 years.
Here is our December 21 Newsletter
Christmas performances by our wonderful children!
We are delighted to share the Maltby Learning Trust December 2021 Update.
What a fantastic academic year we have has so far! Please spend a few moments reading through the update and celebrate the many achievements of our children.