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YEAR 2 - Ashford & Aston

Hello Year 2 and welcome back after the half term 😊

We have done some fantastic learning so far and as we head into our last term in Year 2, we have some exciting topics and an amazing visit coming up. Here’s what we will be learning this term.

Mrs Talbot, Mrs Rose and Mrs Maddison

What We're Learning This Half Term

Mathematics: exploring time, statistics and position

Our maths focus in Summer 2 will begin by comparing and sequencing intervals of time. We will learn to tell and write the time to five minutes, including quarter past/to the hour and draw the hands on a clock face to show these times. We will also learn the number of minutes in an hour and the number of hours in a day. After this, we will move onto statistics and learn about block graphs, tally charts and how to gather information from them. Finally, we will learn about position and direction including movement in a straight line and distinguishing between rotation as a turn and in terms of right angles for quarter, half and three-quarter turns (clockwise and anti-clockwise).

English: The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch / Nen and the Lonely Fisherman

In English we are going to be reading ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’ which will help to inspire us write some descriptive character profiles. After this, we will be reading ‘Nen and the lonely Fisherman’ and answering comprehension question about it. Following our visit to Bridlington, we will be writing a recount of what we did, where we went and what we learnt.

Science: plants

This half term, we will move on to our final science topic of the year – plants. We will be learning how to recognise different types of plants as well as being able to group different plants based on different criteria and characteristics. We will plant some of our own seeds and observe them over a few weeks to identify what they need to grow and be healthy.

Curriculum Focus: Geography – coastal studies

In our geography lessons, we will be learning all about the coast, what it is like to live there, what jobs people might do and how it compares to life in Maltby. As part of this, we will be visiting Bridlington to really immerse ourselves in our learning and see first-hand how the coast differs to where we live

PE: rounders and athletics

In PE this half term, we will be continuing to develop our ball and hand-eye coordination skills in rounders as well as practising for our sports day through the skills taught in athletics; throwing, running and jumping.

RE/PSHE: What makes a good leader / The important of play

This half term in RE, we will be looking at what makes a good leader and how the leaders of the Jewish and Christian faiths lead and help their followers, along with the stories of St Peter and Mother Theresa. In PSHE, we will be identifying the importance of play and how we all have a right to ‘relax and play’. As part of this, we will look at how we play at school by designing a new playground.

design and technology - pitta pizzas

In DT this term, we are moving onto our food project. We will be learning about where food comes from, how to prepare it by cutting and grating. Then use the tomatoes we have grown in science to create a topping for our pitta pizzas.


There is a selection of project ideas available for this half term on the homework menu and our newsletter for Summer 2.